Netgate Drops Support Of Squid Proxy

Netgate has officially deprecated Squid add-on package for pfSense software due to unresolved security vulnerabilities

This is unfortunate news but I don’t think we can really blame Netgate on this one. Obviously the Squid Devs are responsible for patching their software but the whole Squid project seems pretty stagnate.

Surprisingly, it looks like Squid posted on their blog back in March of this year (2024) but no official response from them (that we’re aware of) regarding their deprecation from pfSense. We have reached out to Squid about this and we’ll keep you posted if we hear back.

This is a bummer as we are fans of Squid. Fingers crossed they get Squid patched and fixed up but to be honest, if Netgate has already pulled the trigger on deprecating them, it’s probably for good reason.

I would imagine they’ve already reached out to Squid and made remediation attempts to no avail and I doubt Netgate would just wake up one random day, discover vulnerabilities and immediately deprecate Squid.

If you’re like us and used Squid Proxy as a web-content filter with pfSense, we did a video on some alternative web-content filtering techniques you can explore that may suffice for your use case.


#pfSense no longer supporting Squid Proxy
#netgate pfsense drops support for Squid proxy
#Deprecation of Squid Add-On Package For pfSense Software

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