Spiceworks Desktop 7.5 Deprecated

Spiceworks Desktop 7.5: Bringing the Spice Back with a User Management Fix

Ah, Spiceworks Desktop 7.5. Once a beloved, on-prem IT ticketing system, now just a ghost of its former self. It was officially deprecated in 2022 as the company shifted focus to their cloud offerings. 2022 though? Why are we just talking about it now?

Well, here’s the thing – the deprecation may have been announced in 2022, but it wasn’t a clean cut. They seemed to slowly phase things out, with features gradually breaking over time. And we’ve just stumbled upon one of the most crippling issues for any helpdesk system: the inability to create or manage users. Yes, you read that right.

Now, imagine trying to run a ticketing system where you can’t add users! Major yikes. Could this be part of a not-so-subtle push by Spiceworks to nudge (or shove) users towards their cloud platform? Hmm… the plot thickens.

But fear not, fellow IT warriors! We’re here to help you work around this by manually managing users directly in your Spiceworks database. Grab your digital wrench, and let’s dive into the fix.

What You’ll Need:

  • DB Browser for SQLite – This handy tool will let you dive into and manage your Spiceworks SQL database.
  • Backup your Spiceworks Database – Seriously, don’t skip this step. You’ll want to backup the spiceworks_prod.db file, which is usually found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Spiceworks\db

⚠️ WARNING: Tinkering with your database is risky business. One wrong move and your system could be toast. Proceed at your own risk!

Ready? Watch the full walkthrough in the video below to get your Spiceworks Desktop 7.5 back on track.

#SpiceworksDesktop7_5 #SpiceworksHelpdesk #ITTicketingSystem #DeprecatedSoftware #SpiceworksCloudMigration #SpiceworksDatabaseFix #DBBrowserForSQLite #ITTroubleshooting #UserManagementFix #Spiceworks2022Deprecation #HelpdeskSystemWorkaround #OnPremiseTicketingSystem #SQLDatabaseManagement #SpiceworksTroubleshooting #SpiceworksTutorial #SpiceworksAlternative #ITSupportTools #ITSystemDeprecation #FixSpiceworksUserManagement #ITBlogTutorial

Netgate Drops Support Of Squid Proxy

Netgate has officially deprecated Squid add-on package for pfSense software due to unresolved security vulnerabilities

This is unfortunate news but I don’t think we can really blame Netgate on this one. Obviously the Squid Devs are responsible for patching their software but the whole Squid project seems pretty stagnate.

Surprisingly, it looks like Squid posted on their blog back in March of this year (2024) but no official response from them (that we’re aware of) regarding their deprecation from pfSense. We have reached out to Squid about this and we’ll keep you posted if we hear back.

This is a bummer as we are fans of Squid. Fingers crossed they get Squid patched and fixed up but to be honest, if Netgate has already pulled the trigger on deprecating them, it’s probably for good reason.

I would imagine they’ve already reached out to Squid and made remediation attempts to no avail and I doubt Netgate would just wake up one random day, discover vulnerabilities and immediately deprecate Squid.

If you’re like us and used Squid Proxy as a web-content filter with pfSense, we did a video on some alternative web-content filtering techniques you can explore that may suffice for your use case.


#pfSense no longer supporting Squid Proxy
#netgate pfsense drops support for Squid proxy
#Deprecation of Squid Add-On Package For pfSense Software

How To Install Wazuh Agents with PDQ Deploy

If you have anymore than 20 computers you want to install Wazuh Agents on, you’re really going to need a deployment package. Who wants to touch every computer one by one to install an agent? Not me. It’s time to exercise some of those Sys Admin skillz you stored away in the attic and dust off those cob webs.

PDQ Deploy to the rescue. PDQ deploy is an invaluable IT tool, one of the Sys Admins best friends in fact. Today we are going to leverage some of the power of PDQ Deploy to do all the leg work for us with installing Wazuh agents to large amounts of networked windows computers.

Let’s Get The Pre-Reqs Out Of The Way

All your Windows endpoints will need a bit of prep in order for a successful PDQ Deployment ->

– Enable file and printer sharing

– Enable Local Token Filter (Run cmd as admin and copy paste the following cmd) ->

reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System” /v “LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy” /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

What is this local token filter thinga ma jig all about?

When you enable LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy, you’re essentially allowing full administrative rights to administrators when they access the computer remotely via network connections such as Remote Desktop or network shares. Without this enabled, UAC strips administrative privileges from the administrator’s credentials when they are used remotely, which can lead to authentication problems, especially in scenarios where administrative access is required.

As a best security practice, we do recommend disabling LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy once you’re done with your deployments.

To disable, simply rerun nearly the same command but just change the 1 to a 0 ->

reg add “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System” /v “LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy” /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

While we’re on the topic of best security practices, you may as well plan to revoke admin rights of your deployment user too when you’re done with your deployment job.

Now Back To The Remaining Pre-reqs ->

– Create a local deployment user account that can be used for authentication with PDQ (this user account must have local admin privileges)

– Create a share on your deployment server that will host the Wazuh agent .msi file

– Download the Wazuh agent .msi file and stick it in your share

– Download and install PDQ Deploy 14 day trial (Enterprise mode required)

Yes I know this is quite a bit of prep-work to do across all your Windows endpoints which will basically require more bulk changes in order to make ready for a PDQ Deployment. To accomplish the above Pre-reqs systematically, a walk through on that falls outside the scope of this blog but I recommend you either leverage group policy or PDQ (or both).

Now that you have all your Pre-reqs out of the way, you’re ready to create your Wazuh Agent deployment package. Please skip to the video walk through at this point.

Lastly, here are the relevant commands for your reference…

Install Wazuh Agent ->

C:\wazuh-agent\wazuh-agent-4.7.3-1.msi /q WAZUH_MANAGER=”″ WAZUH_REGISTRATION_SERVER=”″

Note: Make sure to replace the IP with your own Wazuh server’s ip and your Wazuh-agent version may be different then mine, so update accordingly.

Restart Wazuh service ->

Restart-Service -Name wazuh

The wazuh-agent folder + agent .msi file that were copied down to your endpoints, is no longer needed after successful deployment. Let’s clean that up with this command ->

Remove-Item -Path “C:\wazuh-agent” -Recurse -Force